Hi. I’m Karlisa Cryer

Welcome to my blog, as I inspire personal growth and uplift women that have chosen to live out their passion projects all the way from Memphis, TN

Brene’ Brown said she has always been told “ write what you need to read”..well these posts are for you and me..I hope you leave inspired

Meet Roslyn Postlewaite.....Podcaster for Mental Health

Meet Roslyn Postlewaite.....Podcaster for Mental Health

By day Roslyn is a social worker, by night she hosts her own podcast also known as “Therapy as a Christian”

Name: Roslyn Postlewaite

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Daytime Job: High School, School Social Worker

Age: 28

Fun Fact: I used to model for a modeling group in undergrad. We did fashion shows and photo shoots.

So tell me about your passion project and what led you to create something like this?

My current passion project is my podcast, Therapy as a Christian. I was led to start this upon launching it last year in 2018 after seeking mental health therapy for myself consistently for a year. I found that as a Christian, I struggled heavily with anxiety and depression, so much so, that it impacted my personal relationship with God. After going to therapy consistently for about 6 months, I saw a significant shift in my mood and relationship with God by simply dealing with past issues. I thought this was so impactful l that I wanted to share my journey, personal testimonies, and lessons about how therapy can be a tool for God to heal us emotionally.

When did you know it was time to launch your project? 

I was actually prompted in prayer mid-summer 2018 to do a live series on Facebook to share my story. I completed two lives streams and both videos combined had about 700+ views. I extended the live series by interviewing 3 other young ladies, that were Christians, in therapy. Each of their videos individually had about 700+ views with one having about 1200+ views.

This really got me thinking that this was a topic that people were interested in but I was unsure about how to go about releasing a project. I fasted in the Fall of 2018 and God directed me to do a podcast. So in December 2018, the Therapy as a Christian Podcast was officially released.


1. So tell me about your passion project and what led you to create something like this?- My current passion project is my podcast, Therapy as a Christian. I was led to start this upon launching it last year in 2018 after seeking mental health thera…

What has been the most challenging part about this podcast?

Honestly, I haven’t had many real challenges. I honor God with this podcast and surrender it to Him consistently. I believe that has made me see that He gives grace when it’s purposed in Him. If I had to choose a challenge, I’d probably say staying consistent when life gets busy. It takes discipline but there are moments when rest is needed to refill my spirit to do the podcast.

  What advice would you give other women to take on a similar project such as this?

   Surrender anything you do to God. Make Him the CEO of anything you do. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

   Do it. Just start. You will have NO IDEA what you’re doing in the beginning but waiting on it to be perfect

will have you waiting forever. Just start. Don’t focus on the numbers. Share your message with no fear

and trust yourself.


    How do you find the time for your passion project and your 9 to 5? And please share tips on how to juggle the two.

I keep a list of topics in my phone notes so when a topic comes, I write it down. I am always looking for inspiration in different places such as my quiet time, a conversation with someone, a challenge I’m dealing with. Many times, those are God’s cues to me to talk about different things. I schedule time to record in my schedule so that I stay consistent with recording. I release new episodes every Sunday so I schedule time to work in between each week.

   I am an early riser. Everyday, except weekends, I am up by 4:45am-5:00am so I usually spend that time with God, work on notes for my podcast, and push out ideas for what I desire to talk about. Additionally, I go to Starbucks and work if I need to but the morning times work best for me.

   You’d be surprised how much you can get done in a focused solid hour to hour and a half. Those small chucks of time matter long term. I usually don’t chuck everything in one sitting but spend about two days working on notes for about 30 minutes-1 hour in each sitting. I record in about 1 hour blocks of time. I like to break my tasks up so that I am not overwhelmed. Podcasting is easy because I am sitting at my desk talking into a microphone. It is a very relaxed and easy process.

   Do you recommend any books or resources to get started?

If you’re currently in therapy, I created a resource called The Therapy Reflection Journal. It’s a journal specifically designed for those going through therapy. It has a place for users to write notes on their sessions and reflection pages to dig deeper following sessions. It is such an amazing resource for those in therapy. https://amzn.to/2EDvOG3

     The only tools you need to start a podcast are:

o   Microphone: This is microphone I use. It is $22 from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01D4HTIOY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

o   Computer- I used a MacBook but any computer will work.

o   Recording Software: MacBook has a program called GarageBand that us super easy to navigate and use to record your podcasts. This Youtube video will show you how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhesskgmIsQ

o   Libsyn Podcasting Service: ($20 monthly) This is my podcasting host site. You upload your podcast recordings to this website and it is released to Apple iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Google Play, and all other podcasting platforms. This YouTube video showed me how to upload it onto Libsyn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fbdB-pmWFA .

o   Canva: This website was how I made my podcast cover graphic. https://www.canva.com

    Share tips on what keeps you going and motivated to keep this project afloat

I am motivated by knowing that what I am sharing is truly helping others. God presses on my heart consistently to continue to record for the podcast. I want to be a good steward over what he’s given to me so I treat my podcast as a gift. That alone motivates me to give it my best and not give up on it. I get messages about how the podcast helps others and that also keeps me motivated. I know that what I’m doing is not just for me but for others as well.

Where can people go to find out more information about your podcast?

  Therapy as a Christian is available on all podcasting platforms Apple iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, and

Google Play

   Here is the direct link to the podcast:

o   Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/therapy-as-a-christian/id1443970723

o   Android: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-179653858

Photography: Eric Smith-@smith.cr2

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